Section-A Introduction
1. Basic Concepts 1-24
Section-B The Earth
2. Rocks 25-45
3. Interior of The Earth 46-58
4. Geomagnetism 59-67
5. The Crust 68-90
Section-C Endogenetic Processes and Landforms
6. Earth Movements 91-99
7. Isostasy 100-106
8. Continental Drift 107-114
9. Plate Tectonics 115-148
10. Geosynclines & Orogeny 149-162
11. Volcanism 163-187
12. Earthquake 188-199
13. Tsunami 200-207
Section-D : Exogenic
Processes and Landforms
14. Denudation 208-230
15. Fluvial Landforms 231-246
16. Channel Morphology 247-257
17. Geohydrology 258-268
18. Karst Landforms 269-285
19. Marine Landforms 286-303
20. Aeolian Landforms 304-325
21. Glacial Landforms 326-265
22. Periglacial Landforms 266-283
23. Gemorphic Cycles 384-397
24. Slope Development 398-414
25. Rejuvenated Landdorms 415-423
26. Denudation Chronology 424-428
27. Erosion Surface 429-438
Section-E : Endogenic –
Exogenic Interaction
28. Eustatic Changes 439-451
29. Economic Geology 452-463
30. Applied Geomorphology 464-438
Appendix-I-IV 484-568
References 569-573
Acknowledgement 574-577