8th Revised and Updated Edition publish in July 2023.
Section A: Cities
1. Origin and Spread of Cities 1-16
2. Location and Growth of Cities 17-32
3. Concept of Cities 33-40
4. City Classification 41-59
5. City Classification: India 60-73
6. Internal Structure of Cities 74-103
7. Central Business District 104-113
8. Morphology of Indian Cities 114-140
9. Spheres of Urban Influence 141-155
10. Rural-Urban Fringe 156-170
11. Urban Sprawl 171-190
Section B: Urban System
12. Hierarchy of Urban Settlements 191-203
13. Central Place Theory 204-228
14. Primate City Concept 229-236
15. Rank Size Rule 237-251
Section C: Urban Growth, Development & Urbanisation
16. Conurbation/Megalopolis 252-259
17. Urban Growth In India 260-302
18. World Urbanisation Trends 303-334
19. India Urbanisation Trends and Process 335-350
20. Problems of Urban Growth 351-367
21. Indian Urban Problems and Policies 368-407
22. Indian Slums 408-423
23. Sustainable Urban Development 424-433
24. Satellite Towns 434-446
25. Smart Cities 447-457
26. Town Planning: National Capital Region 458-476
References 477-484
Question Analysis 485-488